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Grenadine is a sugar syrup made from pomegranates. Its used to flavour and colour drinks and desserts.

The ingredient of Grenadine

  • 15 about 2 8kg pomegranates
  • 215g 1 cup caster sugar

The Instruction of grenadine

  • gently roll a whole pomegranate in the palm of your hand to lightly crush the juice sacs concerning the seeds use a coarse knife to make a small hole in the base of the pomegranate and drain into a jug repeat subsequent to permanent pomegranates
  • count the pomegranate juice and sugar in a medium saucepan and shake up beyond low heat until the sugar dissolves growth heat to medium high and gently boil without stirring for 15 minutes or until the union thickens slightly
  • meanwhile wash a 750ml glass bottle and lid in hot soapy water and rinse place in a saucepan cover afterward water and bring to the boil boil for 10 minutes place upside alongside vis u00d0u00b0 vis a wire rack to dry
  • pour syrup into the sterilised bottle and seal immediately label date and increase in a cool dark place away from focus on sunlight

Nutritions of Grenadine

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calories: nutritioninformation